Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

DasDragDay #6

Spinning wheels


Freitag, 12. September 2008

DasDragDay #3

In the year 2005 I attended my first DDD.

I was pretty impressed by the cars we have seen there.

Anybody who has been there, probably knows what I mean.

Look at the pictures to get a bit of a feeling...

DFL Members

cool split with sprints

one of my favourite cars

warming up the rubber

if I had not found a set of stprintstars, those wheels would have been the next choice
pretty cool!

line up

looking forward to:

Hope to see you there!

Sonntag, 7. September 2008

Mufflerking ? Why Mufflerking?

As you have probably guessed before I got a set of Sprintstars. I don´t want to tell you what I have been through but I finally got them..

Now back to the topic:

Well the story is that I attended the VolksWorldShow in 2003 for the first time togehter with some friends, some of them I did barely know before. Surfing the ´net before and seeing the offers at the shops there I had to have one of these "Turbo-Mufflers" for my car. The only problem was to find the correct header for the muffler......... I still had the original 1200ccm in my beetle. But I found one!

As this was probably one of the most unusual combintations, driving with the original 34hp and a Turbo muffler, I got a nickname. Guess what!

Right! Mr. E.B. created it and since then..

The first meeting I attended was quite a success. Although the performance (concerning horsepowers) wasn´t much better, the sound was! Nobody believed me that this was still the original engine in there. (I didn´t open the engine lid to not disappoint them)

Ok, yes I have to admit that the fitting could have been better, but..

Montag, 1. September 2008

Air Meets Burger Cruise Night 2008

Last Saturday the AMB Cruise Night took place

meeting friends, having fun, talking about engines, cars, etc.

and look at the cars

here some impressions: